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This concrete is a man-made stone-like artificial object.  In fact, concrete is one of the most widely used materials in the field of architecture.  

         This concrete is made by combining some seemingly insignificant materials such as cement, water, chemically neutral inactive material, rock fragments and sand in their respective proportions.  The use of flexible steel rods or rods in some special cases has further expanded its practical aspects.The presence of concrete is potentially noticeable in all aspects of architectural or ecological function which is essential for the further development of a citizen, in order to keep his life smooth and safe.Concrete is widely used in homes, monuments, places of worship, roads, bridges, flyovers, railway sleepers, tunnels, walls, dams, reservoirs, airports, seaports, wharves, sports stadiums, waterways, sewers and sewers, Is happening.

The final quantity is manipulated in proportion to the basic elements required for concrete and in some cases by mixing some amount of required precipitate, its quality, strength or capacity being successfully applied in the past and useful spatial aspect.

        The raw materials required for concrete are not always available in the same type or in the same form.  Therefore, they need to be procured through various verification and testing processes.  When concrete is made on that side, it is estimated how much power can be generated from it. 

    In the real world, the speed of hyena elephants is highlighted by the aggression of fast-moving dwarves.   

  Moreover, in the field of technology, it is necessary to find out whether the structures that are assigned to carry the load or pressure are in the right condition.

      In other words, it is advisable to determine whether the effective role of concrete at each level is in the right position through various verification processes and testing methods.  Therefore, reading related to concrete today is considered to belong to a different level of technical education system. 

      The technical practice by which the Congress can be formed and properly controlled and properly applied in the right place is called concrete technology. 

      One of the conditions of that technology is to maintain control system at all levels.  The technology covers the selection of materials, their proper proportions, concrete mixing, placement, compaction, curing, maintenance at alternate stages, etc.

WHAT IS CONCRETE INTRODUCTION Reviewed by THE KITCHEN &COOKING on January 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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